Shows the nature of the interaction of many phenomena and objects in nature. However, the nature of the interaction is actually somewhat more complicated than shown in the figure. So, if "tree" generates "fire", then it simultaneously means that "fire" takes energy from "tree". That is, when there is too much "fire", the "tree" next to it weakens. Or another example. Of course, "metal" suppresses "wood": trees are cut with an ax, but thin wire can also be cut with a wooden stick. That is, when there is too much "wood", it can overcome "metal". So the analysis according to the scheme of the five elements is not so simple.
In our kitchen, the stove (element "fire") and the sink (element "water") should not be nearby, since the energy of the element "water" will suppress the energy of the element "fire", and the energy of food will be suppressed. But, what is good about Feng Shui, knowing the state, you can almost always find a way to change it in the right direction.
In the Feng Shui system, "fire" is the highest yang element. Powerful, but does not exist by itself, it cannot be stocked up, it can only be created. It symbolizes success, fame, recognition, but an excess of "fire" is extremely dangerous. In addition, "fire" is an upward movement.
"Water" - downward movement. It is dangerous to overflow: the energy is powerful. Symbol of wealth: if you want wealth, enter "water". But you need to activate this element in harmony with other elements.
"Soil" - the base, the heart, gives harmony, family happiness, brought by the hostess-parent. Energy goes to the side.
"Tree" symbolizes growth, expansion, advancement. Energy goes from within to outside. The only living element: luck grows in breadth, outward, is passed on to descendants, first of all, to sons.
Five elements and their interaction
Elements (or elements) is a European word, probably of Indian origin, while the Chinese call it a move: energy moves in a circle, changing its quality. When she walks in a circle, then one element generates or nourishes another, and when she walks in a star, then one suppresses the other. It is always like this: there is excitation and there is inhibition, there is acceleration and there is deceleration - these are the principles of harmony. This scheme must be known by heart.
"Metal" brings good luck to "heavenly people" - useful to society. A symbol of the power of Heaven and the power of the owner, father. Energy is dense, flowing inward. Gold and silver are associated with "metal", from which bells are made to enhance the elements and hung on the side of the "metal" (in the west).
The energies of the five elements are related to the weather in the following way. The energy of "wood" creates wind (as in the old joke: when trees wave their branches, wind arises), "metal" creates dryness, "fire" creates heat, "water" creates cold, and "soil" creates moisture.
Let's summarize some results.
The principle of the five elements says that the quality of energy changes cyclically, according to a fivefold rhythm, and that the energy of one quality can strengthen or weaken the energy of another quality. Elemental energies interact in three ways: it feeds the next element in a circle, suppresses the second element in a circle, which is ahead, and takes energy from the previous one. For example, "wood" feeds "fire", suppresses "soil" and takes energy from "water". This looks quite obvious, but for those cases where the energy forces are approximately equal, they differ little.
Energy principle